Dr. Chasity Arnold,

Clinical Psychologist


Dr. Arnold is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist practicing in the state of Missouri. As a mental health specialist, she is staunchly dedicated to providing the best mental health services to those in need. Dr. Arnold has spent the past 15 years working with clients from all walks of life and with varying mental health issues. She started her career in rural private practice and later worked at a community mental health center. For the past 8 years she has been working in a medical model within an acute medical hospital. She holds a special certification in Perinatal Mental Health, making her uniquely capable of working with people during pregnancy and the postpartum period who have had complicated pregnancies, pregnancy and infant loss and postpartum depression and anxiety. Additionally, Dr. Arnold has a great deal of experience working with chronic and acute medical conditions as well as families that have children with chronic medical conditions. She is also able to perform various types of psychological testing for both children and adults. 


Dr. Arnold earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice from Southwest Baptist University. She received her Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Clinical Psychology from Forest Institute of Professional Psychology. 

Current Specialties/Interests:

Dr. Arnold enjoys working with both adults and children. With her specialty areas of Perinatal and Health Psychology, she is always seeking to help people find their way in their mental health journey while dealing with many of the possible complications of physical health as well. She also has an interest in working with people in the helping fields; First Responders, Law Enforcement, Nurses and Physicians as well as many others. She is trained in Biofeedback and Prolonged Exposure Therapy and incorporates a wide variety of other modalities into treatment. Sessions will involve working together to understand each patient’s needs and finding the best treatment for their unique situation. She strives to build a strong client – therapist relationship with each of her clients as research shows this to be the most important aspect of therapy. Dr. Arnold is an avid reader and stays current on emerging mental health treatment modalities and the changing needs of those seeking treatment.  

Here at Touchstone, Dr. Arnold offers individual, family, and couples therapy as well as Psychological Evaluations and Bonding Assessments.